(EN) Article 11 Décembre 2023 - NY Times - Opinion | Reporting on Long Covid Taught Me to Be a Better Journalist
Covering long Covid solidified my view that science is not the objective, neutral force that it is often said to be.
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Revue de presse de l'Association #ApresJ20 Association Covid Long France visant à favoriser la Reconnaissance, les Soins, la Recherche et la Communication sur le #LongCovid -----------------------------------------------Donner à savoir et informer
Covering long Covid solidified my view that science is not the objective, neutral force that it is often said to be.
Lire la suiteFor several years, scientists have tried to untangle one of COVID-19's persistent puzzles: Why do some people, even after mild infections, go on to develop lasting health issues? Now, fresh clues ...
Lire la suiteInvesting US$1 billion every year for the next ten years into long COVID research could improve the lives of millions and save trillions in economic costs. Investing US$1 billion every year for the
Lire la suiteNIH-funded research sheds light on link between COVID-19 infection and increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Lire la suiteScientists can now spot key differences in the blood of people who have long Covid symptoms- and those who don't.
Lire la suiteUCSF researchers are infusing monoclonal antibodies to vanquish lingering pieces of the coronavirus that may be causing the mysterious symptoms of long COVID.
Lire la suiteHHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said that the White House will reinstitute the policy of sending Americans free COVID-19 rapid antigen tests.
Lire la suiteDo odds of getting long Covid go up with more coronavirus infections? It's "clear in our data that reinfection contributes additional risk."
Lire la suiteUnlike the vaccine race, there is limited funding to treat a condition that is often debilitating
Lire la suiteAt a recent medical gathering, researchers presented their latest hypotheses about what causes - and what could treat - the lingering disease.
Lire la suiteRevue de presse de l'Association #ApresJ20 Association Covid Long France visant à favoriser la Reconnaissance, les Soins, la Recherche et la Communication sur le #LongCovid -----------------------------------------------Donner à savoir et informer
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