Revue de presse de l'Association #ApresJ20 Association Covid Long France visant à favoriser la Reconnaissance, les Soins, la Recherche et la Communication sur le #LongCovid -----------------------------------------------Donner à savoir et informer
Du lundi au vendredi notaires, avocats, associations de consommateurs, professionnels de santé répondent à vos questions. Du lundi au vendredi notaires, avocats, associations de consommateurs ...
Far from being over, the Covid-19 pandemic has created another widespread problem: long Covid, the persistence of symptoms beyond the initial infection. In some cases this can last months and be ...
Dans un avis rendu le 20 octobre dernier, le Comité de veille du Covid-19 a décrit le Covid long comme un " trouble fonctionnel ", ce qui a suscité de nombreuses réactions notamment chez les ...
This anonymous blog by a doctor examines the link between Covid-19 and cardiovascular disease. The author calls for greater awareness amongst healthcare professionals and the public to reduce the ...
Mais, bonne nouvelle : après un lent démarrage, la recherche thérapeutique anti-Covid long décolle enfin ! "Ces quelques derniers mois, plusieurs essais ont été lancés pour tester différent...
Editor's note: Find the latest long COVID news and guidance in Medscape's Long COVID Resource Center. The still-raging SARS-CoV-2 pandemic brings a devastating and more far-reaching shadow pandemic:
It's estimated that more than a third of people who have had COVID-19 experience neurological complications such as brain fog that persist or develop 3 months after infection. And two thirds of ...
Fear has played a central role in dictating pandemic responses. Anxiety is different from an anxiety disorder. There is significant variability in defining normal and abnormal. I will be the first ...
In 1983, Rivka Solomon was 21 and attending the University of Massachusetts Boston when she and her two roommates came down with infectious mononucleosis, or "mono." Her roommates recovered within a
A new UK study shows that being infected with Covid-19 is linked to an increased risk of poor cardiovascular health and death. The risk is greatest within the first 30 days of infection and for ...
Revue de presse de l'Association #ApresJ20 Association Covid Long France visant à favoriser la Reconnaissance, les Soins, la Recherche et la Communication sur le #LongCovid -----------------------------------------------Donner à savoir et informer