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Revue de presse de l'Association #ApresJ20 Association Covid Long France visant à favoriser la Reconnaissance, les Soins, la Recherche et la Communication sur le #LongCovid -----------------------------------------------Donner à savoir et informer

Podcast 29 septembre 2020 - BBC - "How is Long Covid affecting women’s lives? @lesleymacniven talks Long Covid and it's effects on women, plus the peer support supplied by the @long_covid Support Group on Facebook"

"How is Long Covid affecting women’s lives? @lesleymacniven talks Long Covid and it's effects on women, plus the peer support supplied by the @long_covid Support Group on Facebook" by @BBCWomansHour | #LongCovid #LongCovidThread #CountLongCovid |https://t.co/dEh0HBGCZ6...

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Revue de presse de l'Association #ApresJ20 Association Covid Long France visant à favoriser la Reconnaissance, les Soins, la Recherche et la Communication sur le #LongCovid -----------------------------------------------Donner à savoir et informer